I would like to address a debate that has been underway between Josh Ballard and Kate Tennikoff in the comments section of this blog (see here)
Josh's concern is that the cost of fixing global environmental problems will distract us from focusing on the issue of poverty - that the money we spend on global warming would be better spent on world poverty. This is a common view, and the argument against addressing climate change has further weight if people take the view that the mechanisms of capitalism and
industrialization that are understood to contribute to third world development
also contribute to pollution and other environmental problems - i.e. that we need to choose between economic development for the sake of the poor and environmental concerns.
I would argue, however, that this is a false dichotomy. Indeed, it is now generally accepted that the issues of human poverty and environmental destruction go hand in hand and further, that global society can and should work toward the goal of environmentally sustainable human development.
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