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April 12, 2006


Deborah Taggart

Oooh, I'm excited we have a blog and can't wait to get discussions and traffic flowing.

But maybe the time it takes to build momentum will give me a chance to improve the design of this site before it becomes too public ;)

Chris Tessone

Welcome to the blogosphere! I found my way over from Tilling's blog. I've been aware of Pentacostalism peripherally for a long time (it's quite prevalent here in Southern Illinois, USA, and my grandmother's church is part of the movement), but I'm looking forward to engaging with it more closely.

Incidentally, I just heard the Speaking of Faith episode on Pentacostalism recently--I found it quite good. It's here:

Ben Myers

Welcome! I just came here via Chris Tilling -- and it's great to see this new blog. It's good to see serious theological reflection from a Pentecostal viewpoint.

Craig Bennett

Yahooo, I have been blogging for a number of years on other sites such as Sydney Anglicans and recently Ship of Fools. This excites me that there is now a site for Pentecostal / Charo issues to be discussed without fear of having every belief system challenged, though that is a good thing for us all to know what we believe and why we believe it, and does it hold water against conservative theology....which it must.

Craig Bennett

While this perhaps is not the right place to ask this question, or to facilitate it; I think it would also be good if there was a facility to be able to download some good Pentecostal sermons in audible format, and perhaps to be able to discuss them as well.

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