I will bless the LORD, who has given me counsel;
my heart also instructs me in the night seasons.
I have set the LORD always before me.
Because he is at my right hand,
I shall not be moved.
(Psalm 16:7-8)
I wrote this scripture down some time ago and keep it in a 3x5 card loose in my bible. I did this so that no matter what I may be reading it will always catch my attention. Also, it’s easy to pop into a diary or purse so I can reflect on it at different times. I ask the Lord for a lot of counsel in the decisions I make from day to day and I have found this scripture so encouraging as I ‘bless him who gives me counsel’. That even in the ‘night seasons’ or times that prove tougher, that I still find His instruction. It reminds me to ‘set the Lord before me always’.
Recently though, in light of the topics covered in class to do with ethics, I once again thought on this scripture. There are so many theories and ideas on how to deal with ethical issues that may arise in life from time to time. I could ascribe to a certain theory, and when need be I probably will. However I was thinking that above all theories and understandings, that coming before the Lord to receive counsel is what needs to be done. He has said it in His word, and also proved Himself faithful as my counselor. I believe knowing which ethical theories there are is definitely beneficial in helping to work out a situation, but what we need more than anything is the counsel of God. I pray that I never lean on my own understanding of life to solve a problem. I hope rather that I will always find myself enquiring of the Lord as I know that He is always ‘at my right hand, I shall not be moved’.
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