by Lynys Nelson
Words. We use them all the time. The right ones help us to pass assignments and exams while the wrong choice leads to failure. Its not only long words that create depth but little words e.g. "not" changes the whole meaning of a sentence.
One challenge in our lives is to use words wisely.
The Bible warns us to choose words carefully. In James, we are told to guard our tongues because our tongue can do lots of damage. It may be small but it can cause a lot of problems. It is described as a bit in a horse’s mouth, a rudder on a ship or a spark to start a bushfire. These items are small but they can move a horse, steer a ship and create great devastation. Proverbs warns about gossip. This use of words can bring about separation of good friends and a lack of trust.
There is a strong warning for teachers and prophets to examine their speech. Their words need to be truthful. When we hear words from God to give to others, we need to be obedient and say what God is saying.
Choose your words wisely. A kind word picks people up (Proverbs 12v25). A timely word is worth listening to (Proverbs 15v23). A word in the right circumstances is more valuable than gold and silver (Proverbs 25v11). The words we choose can bring encouragement to others.
Use your words to speak to others that don’t know God. These words bring life to the lost. Speak words for God and tell the world that He loves them.