by Karina Turk
‘Social action is a key part to evangelism, but you have to weigh the balance between social action and evangelism. Social action standing alone, is NOT evangelism’ - Quote from Chris Simon, week 9
During class a week or so ago Chris made the above statement, or words to that effect. Previous to this statement in class the question in my mind was ‘Is evangelism pure presentation of the full gospel message’? And if so ‘where does social action and practical outworking of Christianity along with relationship evangelism come into play?’ - obviously evangelism is not just the presentation of the gospel.
Jesus came to earth to save the world, but the Jesus I read about in my bible came and DID things for people, he healed the sick, forgave the sinners, raised dead people to life again. Jesus met people’s ‘felt needs’, to use someone else’s term, before he met their spiritual needs. So are we as a church and as individual Christians doing likewise? I think it comes down to the fact that we need to minister to the whole person, not just the spirit part of a person.
In 1 John 3:17-18 it says:
"If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth."
The Love spoken about here is an active thing. It is not just some nice feeling we are to have for people, we are to show and demonstrate that love for people.
In the New Testament when it is talking about love and the love of God it is not just a feeling; it is an action word. We are to DO something to show God’s love to people. Not just preach the word to them.
In reading ‘The Weight of Evangelism and Social Action’ by Erin Johnson I came across this quote "The words explain the deeds, and the deeds validate the words". This really resonated with me. This is what Jesus came and did. He not only preached with his words, but also backed them up with practical expressions of God’s love and compassion on humanity.
Evangelism is not only preaching the full gospel message, it is DOING something about it as well, though we must be careful not to swing to much towards social action. Striking the balance is KEY.