by Jacqui Bouchier
“Those who obey my commandments are the ones who love me. And because they love me, my Father will love them, and I will love them. And I will reveal myself to each of them.”
Don’t we just love the fullness and richness of God’s Word? At times it “quenches our deepest thirst” and “nourishes our entire body“. When we are situated in a lifestyle of amazing teaching at our church, bible college and even our daily devotions, we enjoy the complacency of being “spoon fed.” But in all honesty I believe that we have to start to grow up and actually apply what we are learning. When we start to hear the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit correcting us in our actions, maybe we need to respond to the call of obedience. A sign of maturity is discerning truth from lies and no longer following our old sinful nature. God has heard our call, “Lord use me, shape me, mould me, lead me along your path.” And he responds by saying “sweetie, I hear you, now but you need to start following my ways and not yours.” It’s a hard thing to do but the process towards reward, starts with being willing to obeying God.
A huge issue that prevents us from obeying God is pride. Oh yes I said it! And sometimes it’s our own pride that stops us seeing that we even carry pride. God really challenged me on this and I had to see the true motives of my heart. Why was I obeying God’s voice, was it to promote my own “spirituality?” We have to humble ourselves and confess “Lord I am obeying you not to promote myself, but because I want to show you that I deeply love you.”
Let’s be a community that puts our love into action and obey God’s commandments, so that he is able to reveal himself to all of us.