by Elizabeth Langton
Why is it that the mention of the word “religion” sparks in many negative connotations? To me, to be a Christian means to be a follower of Christ; one who is striving towards reaching Heaven and trying not to get lost in the process. I attend church every week, I run a cell group meeting; I try and live a passionate and committed Christian life and every Friday night I attempt to inspire young people to do the same. During the week, I spend time with God; I read my Bible, I pray and I worship. I take communion whenever it is offered. Aren’t these practices “religious”? Aren’t they also the elements of our Christianity that are essential to staying on track?
I believe that we sometimes become too consumed with the concept of having a relationship over religion, that we forget what Christianity is all about: God, love, people and community. Of course, having a relationship with God is our number one priority. However, maintaining that relationship is harnessed within community, with the support of the right people – with religion. I don’t believe God wants us to forget about religion. Jesus says in Matthew 5:17 & 20, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfil them…For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.” Jesus didn’t come to take away all we practice – he came to show us how to live real, committed lives within the most important parts of the Law. I think it’s time we embraced religion and the role it plays. It’s not about just focusing on religion. It’s about deciding to weave spirituality and religion together and embracing that concept in order to live strong Christian lives of purpose and fulfilment and essentially, enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
great stuff Liz :)
I'm looking forward to hearing you in chapel on Tuesday!
Posted by: Deborah Taggart | Saturday, September 09, 2006 at 09:15 AM