by Carissa Miller
I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”
Romans 1:16-17
An evangel is a scroll. On it is recorded a testimony of the victory from a battle. Old Testament kings such as Saul or David would have received these with each battle victory. The evangelist would carry the scroll, the evangel, to the king and present the good news of the battle victory by reading the account presented on the evangel to the king himself.
God has provided us with a testimony of the battle He has won victoriously through Jesus Christ. The gospel is our evangel. What should we do with it?
Proclaim it without shame and boldly to all who will hear it! It is the most amazing account in all the world. It is the greatest battle ever fought or won. It is the proclamation that we should carry proudly and with great haste, to the one we are to share it with, just as the evangelists did.
Who are we meant to share it with? Everyone! To those who know the story, have heard it, and have accepted it, it can be a source of encouragement because of the greatness of such an awesome God. In those who hear it for the first time or with clarity for the first time, it will not be sown in vain: “For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed…” “…it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.”
God’s Word and His testimony of the blood of Jesus Christ contains eternal power that penetrates a body’s soul, produces miraculous healing and transformation, and imparts God’s very being, the Holy Spirit! How could we ever deny this to anyone!? Especially once we have experienced this insane encounter ourselves.
Father God, grant us the courage and obedience to boldly and graciously proclaim your gospel to the world. Help us to carry your evangel proudly and share it with all who will listen. Lord, do not allow us to determine who will hear it, but help us to abandon preconceptions of people we meet and those we already know and allow you room to move and to stand between us. Jesus be glorified! Praise you LORD may your victory and love be known and may your testimony resonate throughout all the earth. May our voices amplify your message. Amen!